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한국물리학회 응용물리학분과 Applied Physics Division, The Korean Physical Society

기초연구를 공학과 산업으로 연결하는 역할
응용물리 (Applied Physics)

2023 봄 물리학회 응용물리학분과 학생 발표상 수상자 명단

응용물리분과 세션
작성자 관리자등록일2023-09-02
첨부파일 -
응용물리분과 세션
김예진이화여자대학교Optical spectroscopy study of the passivation effect by laser scribing process in the hybrid perovskite module
Gao Hongchen충북대학교Ultrafast dynamics of IrTe2
이기현연세대학교Anisotropic rippling of black phosphorus induced by van der Waals epitaxy of noble metals
김준호연세대학교Phase Transition of Graphite-Encapsulated γ-GeSe
홍성윤성균관대학교Short-wavelength infrared photodetection in MoS2
오시원서강대학교Moiré phonons in interlayer interaction of monolayer-WSe2/bilayer-MoS2 heterostructures
제유경이화여자대학교Observation of resonance mode shapes in graphene nano-electro-mechanical drums
김지수서울대학교AI-enabled active n-charge generation layer exploration for enhanced tandem OLED performance
진영록부산대학교The Study of Phonon Dispersion in Defective Ferroelectric HfO2
노승현울산과학기술원Enhancement of the Rashba Effect in a Conducting SrTiO3 Surface by Capping Layer
오재연한국과학기술원Acousto-optic detection schemes for deep tissue imaging with improved resolution and modulation efficiency
채희준성균관대학교Long-term antimicrobial activity of Cu-/CuO-coated cicada wing replica created by electrohydrodynamic instability
윤수오이화여자대학교Interface properties between SnO2 and lead halide perovskite: impact on charge transport
유지은이화여자대학교Experimental setup on Yb171 qubits control using 355nm Raman pulse laser
김혜린 이화여자대학교Trapping Yb isotopes and progress of qubit manipulation setup
조경민서울대학교Experimentally verified efficient machine learning for quantum many problems
성중현고려대학교Indirect bandgap semiconductor laser operating at room-temperature under
continuous-wave excitation of WS2 multilayer cavity
신승한서강대학교Highly efficient biexciton generation and hyper Raman scattering in two-dimensional halide perovskite (C6H5C2H4NH3)2PbI4 under resonant two-photon excitation
채민호한국과학기술원Development of a droplet-based microfluidic isothermal titration calorimetry

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