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한국물리학회 응용물리학분과 Applied Physics Division, The Korean Physical Society

기초연구를 공학과 산업으로 연결하는 역할
응용물리 (Applied Physics)

2020 봄  물리학회 응용물리학분과 학생 발표상 수상자 명단

응용물리분과 세션
작성자 관리자등록일2020-07-22
첨부파일 -
응용물리분과 세션
발표자 소속 논문제목
어정선 고려대학교 Tunable rectification direction in molecular heterojunction with two-dimensional semiconductors
이상민 아주대학교 Fabrication and characterization of mixed-cation perovskite solar cells
김예진 이화여자대학교 Study on the structural phase transition of methylammonium lead halide perovskite single crystals by Raman scattering spectroscopy
박하경 이화여자대학교 Passivated defects and grain boundaries of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin film solar cell by incorporation of sodium
김선영 세종대학교 Gate-switchable rectification in isotype van der Waals heterostructure of multilayer MoTe2/SnS2 with large band offsets
김병준 경희대학교 The various optical logic circuits for visible light communications based on highly transparent phototransistors with oxide semiconductor and quantum dots
정준석 세종대학교 Selective-area remote heteroepitaxy of ZnO microrod arrays on patterned all-graphene surface
제유경 이화여자대학교 Graphene based nano-electro-mechanical resonator for radio application
조현진 GIST Reduction of Annealing Temperature of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films via Deep-Ultraviolet Irradiation
허지혁 고려대학교 Self-assembly of polyhedral plasmonic nanoparticles for unnaturally high refractive index optical metamaterial
DO, THI NGA 이화여대학교 Room Temperature Magnetoresistance of the Graphene-based Spintronic Devices
장명진 연세대학교 Unidirectional alignment of AgCN microwires on 1T' layered crystals
권소영 이화여자대학교 Fabrication and Characterizations of MoS2 Monolayers on Plasmonic Au Nanogratings
박가람 전북대학교 Adsorption, diffusion and penetration of boron and nitrogen atoms near the Pt(111) surface
김진권 서울대학교 Achieving superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films by controlling structural defects

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