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한국물리학회 응용물리학분과 Applied Physics Division, The Korean Physical Society

기초연구를 공학과 산업으로 연결하는 역할
응용물리 (Applied Physics)

2018년 봄 물리학회 응용물리학분과 학생 발표상 수상자 명단

응용물리분과 세션
작성자 관리자등록일2018-05-03
첨부파일 -
응용물리분과 세션

발표자 소속 제목
함성길 고려대학교 Two-terminal organolead halide perovskite (OHP) synaptic device for neuromorphic device applications
홍우태 부경대학교 Blue luminescence of graphene quantum dots from wasted coffee grounds and their application as luminescence materials for noble white LEDs


서울대학교 Carrier injection enhancement via directly deposited thiol-molecules on MoS2 field-effect transistors
신재호 고려대학교 A programmable molecular-scale rectifier driven by the interface- engineered molecular junction consisting of the 2D semiconducting layer and the self-assembled monolayers
복문정 단국대학교 Impact of self-assembled monolayer on carrier mechanism of organic 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene device
김은아 이화여자대학교 Broandband Omnidirectional Absorption Enhancement of MoS2 on Sub-100-nm SiO2/Si
SRIV Tharith 서강대학교 Polarized Raman Study of Group IV Monochalcogenides: SnS and SnSe
심영출 KAIST Electrically driven, Phosphor-Free Warm White Light-Emitting Diodes based on InGaN/GaN Dodecagonal Ring Structure
최재완 고려대학교 Tunable, High-Performance Switching in Silicon-Oxide(SiOx) Memristor Enabled by a Vertically Integrated Graphene Barristor
김자영 이화여자대학교 Study of Quantum Tunneling Charge Transfers between Molecules and Semiconductors for Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
김현중 DGIST Control of unidirectional anisotropy in exchange biased AFM/FM bilayers by piezoelectric strains
서인철 UNIST Electron-beam-induced nanoscale patterning of molecular aggregates for nanophotonic applications
정준석 세종대학교 n-ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction dichromatic yellow and blue light-emitting diodes
송승욱 UNIST Electrical properties of single- crystalline WTe2 nanobelts grown from eutectic alloy reservoir
양성준 포항공과대학교       "Peel and Stack" Technique for Large-area Graphene with Pristine Interfaces
김정아 KAIST Inertial focusing in triangular channel under various parameters 
한창현 서울대학교 Wet-transfer of colloidal quantum dot thin films and its application

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