발표자 | 소속 | 제목 |
허정우 | UNIST | Solution-Processed Tantalum Pentoxide for Low-Power Electronic Devices |
박유정 | 동아대학교 | Improved Performance in N-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors via Polyelectrolyte Mediated Interfacial Doping |
장연식 | 서울대학교 | Controllable charge transport in molecular junctions engineered by chemical p-doping of graphene electrodes |
이수진 | 한양대학교 | MeV electron beam stimulated welding of silver nanowire networks encapsulated with graphene for flexible and transparent electrodes |
오설희 | 이화여자대학교 | Optical and electrical properties of amorphous Zn-Sn-O transparent conducting films |
박홍기 | 경희대학교 | The Amplificated Photocurrent by Photons in Graphene-SiO2-Si (GIS) Heterostructure with a Low Work Function Difference |
정진우 | DGIST | 단층 WS2-ZnO 마이크로 막대 하이브리드 구조에서의 빛-물질 상호작용 연구 |
Sriv Tharith | 서강대학교 | Low-frequency Raman Spectroscopy of Few-layer 2H-SnS2 |
양서진 | 부산대학교 | Na 첨가에 따른 NiO의 결함과 비저항의 상관관계 연구 |
김현수 | 인하대학교 | Interdigital electrode based triboelectric nanogenerator for effective energy harvesting from water |
전지훈 | 건국대학교 | Extrinsic disorder-induced magnetoresistance of monolayer graphene in contact with BiFeO3 nano-island Array |
Le Top Khac | 울산대학교 | Analysis of Room Temperature Photoluminescence from V2O5 Micro-Nanospheres |
윤찬수 | 건국대학교 | Synaptic Plasticity Selectively Activated by Polarization-Dependent Energy-Efficient Ion Migration in an Ultrathin Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction |
장정수 | UNIST | Epitaxial growth of AuCN Nanowires on graphene for Hybrid Phototransistor |