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한국물리학회 응용물리학분과 Applied Physics Division, The Korean Physical Society

기초연구를 공학과 산업으로 연결하는 역할
응용물리 (Applied Physics)

2024 봄 물리학회 응용물리학분과 학생 발표상 수상자 명단

응용물리분과 세션
작성자 관리자등록일2024-05-09
첨부파일 -
응용물리분과 세션
수상자 소속 논문제목
김준호 연세대 Thermally-Induced Irreversible Interlayer Stacking Shift Disorder in γ-GeSe
이기현 연세대 Deep learning analysis of interlayer stacking shift and dynamics in bilayer phosphorene
정현정 이화여대 In-Situ Study of Twist Angle Manipulation in 2D Materials
문시우 이화여대 Exciton Generation and Dissociation in WS2 Monolayers on Periodic Ag Nanoholes
채희준 성균관대 Superior Electromagnetic Interference Shielding via Micro-Nano Hierarchical Structures Inspired by Rose Petal Surfaces
조영천 부산대 Study of optoelectronic properties in food dye heterojunction amorphous In-Ga-Zn-Oxide phototransistors
안상원 서강대 Nanoscale Investigation of the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Polarization Switching Dynamics of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films
조재형 UNIST Microwave Transmission in Superconducting TiN CPW Resonator with High and Nonlinear Kinetic Inductance
김현수 이화여대 Progress in two-photon Raman transition experiment on multiple Yb171+ ion qubits
우승욱 성균관대 Design Strategy for Optimal Cross-Resonance Gate
이경현 서강대 Changes in Nonlinear Optical Properties of Ge-based 2D Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Series
김민환 KIST Tailoring Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by modulating the adjacent interface between ferromagnetic and heavy metal layers
지유빈 KAIST Direct observation of room temperature magnetic skyrmion motion driven by ultra-low current density in a van der Waals ferromagnet
제유경 이화여대 Mass-loaded graphene nano-electromechanical drums; simulation study and observation of resonance mode
강한이 연세대 New polytypism in GeSe2-xTex nanowires via twinning and interlayer twist

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